Vocabulary (https://www.facebook.com/notes/prosody-vereable-context/vocabulary/10156841094914178, https://twitter.com/frets/status/1091561188251463680).
Blog iGabe.com err iSew.info arg
Business Personal
Business Professional
Should be about money (arg).
Should not be about money (argument).
Is an idea
Is not an idea
{me asks/consults https://twitter.com/PsyZHundredthou, wait, thoughts?}
iPsy? PSY (the rapper) not Psy Z.
Meaning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psy.
Like Psychology, sounds. I mean the global/worldwide singer sounds like a Psychologist with that name.
I did not mean to shout the word Psychology, PSY just does that.
Should that be iSew or iGabe or “P=NP”?
::A+T Test Activate::
A+B Test I mean.
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/B_testing I mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/B_testing it did not have a link when I first wrote (that was not even a word, “A+B Testing” did not have any global meaning, AB Testing did not work in the open, and still does not happen much even though A/B is central to literacy. #Literacy.))
I think that spelled “Thoughts”.
Editing (live like with GabeCom and xoom.com, tripod.com, and angelfire.com)
Good talking with the “I” and “We” voice (err code voice?) we all programmers designers coders signers ~songwriters ~rappers ~copywriters ~poets ~advertisers use. I do not know if that is called first or second or 3rd person I am a bit mixed about that.
Between “We“ and I “i“ forgot to ,
My computer is on fire one second.
okay now back
btw we and i I forgot to wait, I remember the word I was going to use, wait, almost, wait, nto that word, wait that is almost how it is spelled I can feel it spelling, I think that is called deciphering but I do not want to get distracted wait I forget now, shoot I should look for that definition now, wait but I had a word to say, memory, brain, brain work please, again, brain work please again, okay I remember now, studying, wait that is kind of the word, sort of, algebra maybe but that is a letter, how can that work, I do not know how that happened I think that was a letter but that could be, alphanumerics, wait, maybe, .::earsquints::`,,
Between [we] and [I]
Between (We) and (I)
Between “We“ and I “i“ forgot to ,
Between {We{ and {I} (should I/we do “us”/”them”|?…
Between We, and I,
iMac, WeMac,
OurMac? OpenMac?
Stream of C. Steam of Mac~. Wait.,
That sounds.
Too songy.
Maybe att a letter.
Okay let me burn a cd rom.
Okay copied.
I remember now.
Between “We“ and I “i“ forgot to ,
I need some water.
Maybe that will help my memory.
Oh and is that https://github.com/payingattention or https://bitbucket.org/painingattention well
bc one sounds like, `because.,
https://glitch.com/@contechtext shoot, damn, wai, t, wait wait wait,
https://u2.com/@iGabe shoot, damn, wai, t, wait wait wait, that sounds like YouTube, I do not want to sound lke the angel again, tha t was sstupid
I want to kill them for sounding like that, why did they say uTube,
Do they kno w how that sounds?? ?
That sounds like it could be a word problem, that could be verbal….
I just got asked (well told) to do “sudo su” again
I do not want to do karate., Why do they keep asking me tat, that,
I will defend myself with varfu.info,
Because (bc) it sounds like kung fu, that will help,
Wait I almost remembered,
Kung Poa? I said Ellen Pao from Reddit.com, why does it keep correcting me to that,
I did not ask to see King Kong, why is that the first suggestion,
Who wrote that, Can I even tell if that is from a computer? Or a human? Kung what?
Gunky, shoot, hmm, but very Hollywood that might make money so it works.
for “Business”
I think I remember what I was going to say,,,..
. : earsquint s( (( ( _ (
” ͜ 5x”
. : earsquint s( (( ( _ ͜(,~
eery I mean,
Dam that spells rum now
> word2vec {grr, umm} https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9715292
Okay fixed all good.
Ew gum.
Reddit.com demographic might approve tho.
Remembering again,
Wait is that a memory or a letter,
I said Reddit not Read,,
Between “We“ and I “i“ forgot to ,
- Workflowy.com TabsOutliner Organization Linear Group
- (? dribbble.com == hockey? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == sniper shooting? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == fencing? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == hackeysack? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == fashion? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == modeling? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == some sport probably hockey? – Google Search
- (? dribbble.com == ping pong? – Google Search
Like for the sport I think?,
American sport I mean, patriotism,
Between “We“ and I “i“ forgot to ,
Reed University
Jobs and Wozniak went there.
Audio at work, so I go slower, deliberate. Please keep your hearmets securely strapped to your HTML Header. Text may text, so please watch your arch for shaking and other AJAX and moving text caused by static Aa.
I am/was always scared to use words. I write about Sound Torture.
Robo swears and robo cares (https://www.facebook.com/groups/RoboSwearsRoboCares) are Heavy Machinery so please take notice of the moving metal.
iMac is/was a/my safe word.
I Miss Jobs and Woz. (https://plus.google.com/111534521631123855435/posts/SfAQQ3eYsXX, http://web.archive.org/web/20180820000151/https://plus.google.com/111534521631123855435/posts/SfAQQ3eYsXX (My G+ account with my original file system namespace set to my/the “Gabriel Gaston Croft” profile).) I stopped using/taking Macs bc (because) I (ain’t, am not, was not) wasn’t able to afford at that point and started a standard FINK {Commander} (always lowest dose, code shocks.., that official .sh format is $Csycho, I had a bug reported to my Google Matrix Facebook Aether Readdet Logy Psychologist) of Linus’s Linux. :/ Ubuntu on Mac or PC works same still. For I read.~~
iSew shows clearer language. C° from Washington Apple Pi ain’t (didn’t) helped paint (my) pain. C iSew.info for Computer (Psychology) Science, a break from amotion.
iSew shows clearer language. C from Washington Apple Pi ain’t helped paint (my) pain. C iSew.info for Computer (Psychology) Science emotion, a break from Computer Science amotion.
iSew shows clearer language. C from Washington Apple Pi ain’t helped paint (my) pain. C iSew.info, a break from Computer Science amotion, for Computer (Psychology) Science emotion.
That left said WAP gave me (a) Hotline (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotline_Communications), so at least they heard right?
(Their free code came with meetings throwing T-Shirts saying “.sit happens,,. I happened to be there.)
personal and mental health advocacy .. i.add.i i.add.u i.add.y
a personal and mental health advocacy activism action, if/why/not alphabetical abilities, if some ability to ask?
info tech tools / why / not / me / etc .. i ad d i. t. information..technology.. i ask information technology questions.
contechtext.info twitter.com/contechtext
prettypowerful.info $.?.$?.$i?. :$ … twitter.com/prettypowerfuli
ad+d- infopsychotechnological tools,
add human contexts,
if why context,
if (g \ u /) i context . .
*Emotionally iG sounds/draws religious connotations/pronotations(sp?c?? [SP means/= spelling for ∫friend (well, “∫riend“ is the syntax maybe) Linus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds]), please be advised I was trained (my #EarlyEd was #EarlyCode, I∫ ask why?) to read ~~and repeat(ed)~~ Legal/Maths/Script(ure) like many were ***** trained, and that early.
°I was 10?